

来源:土壤 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-05-19
<英语知识>(月币J)年第4期(总繁i鼍9。期)鼹滴治鳃AnAprilDayByH.W.LongfeIlowWhen the warm sun,that bringsSeed·time and harvest,has returned again,‘Tis sweet to visit the still wood,where springsThe first flower of the plain.1 love the season well.When forest glades are teeming with bright forms。Nor dark and many.folded clouds foretellThe coming—on of storms.”、From the earth’S loosened mouldThe sapling draws its sustenance,and thrives,Though stricken tO the heart with winter’S cold.The drooping tree revives.The softly—warbled songComes from the pleasant woods,and colored wingsGlance quick in the bright sun,that m9ves alongThe forest openings.When the bright sunset fillsThe silver woods with light,the green slope throwsIts shadows in the hollows of the hills,And wide the upland glows.And,when the eve iS born,In the blue lake the sky,0’er-reaching far,Is hollowed.out,and the moon dips her horn,And twinkles many a star.Inverted in the tideStand the gray rocks,and trembling shadows throw,And the fair trees look over,side by side,And see themselves below.SweetApril!Many a thoughtIs wedded unto thee,as hearts are wed;Nor shall they fail,till,tO its autumn brought,Life’S golden fruit is shed.赞■天朗费罗作高桂珍译阳光把春播和秋收带给人间,如今它重又送来温暖。旷野上绽放第一枝花朵,幽静的丛林春意盎然。我酷爱这蓬勃的春季,林中空地分外明丽,更无团团乌云预示暴风雨的来临。依附地球松软的土壤,小树苗吮吸着乳汁繁茂生长,严冬虽曾侵袭过它们的心灵,垂萎的枝叶再度复生。林中传来柔婉的歌声,五彩的翅膀在艳阳中飞腾,明媚的春光伴着森林的黎明。灿烂的夕晖洒满银色的林间,绿坡的暗影,洒落于溪谷,辽阔的高地金光闪闪。当夜幕降临,蓝湖上空苍茫而’遥远。月牙儿银钩弯弯,天际闪烁着繁星点点。潮水中灰色岩石的倒映,晃动着颤悠悠的身影,挺拔的树木并排耸立,俯瞰着自己的英姿。甜美的春天!令人思绪万千,犹如那心心相连;它必将带来秋天,让生命的金果结满人间。(通讯地址:大连理工大学外语系)9
